Did You ever wonder what exactly causes butterflies? or why we get the "itis" after eating?...or maybe you've wondered why you get soooo sleepy after crying...Well look no further..I've got all the truth behind the things we just made up names for... ;)
Flutter .....Flutter....
We all get them..right before a test,an interview,when that certain he/she walks past...but have we ever thought about what "butterflies" in the tummy REALLY are? In actuality, butterflies is yet another biological/physiological response the body has to certain external situations. The sensatin of "butterflies" is actually the physical sensation we feel that results from the activation of our sympothetic nervous system. For the less bio savy folk, the sympothetic nervous system is a reaction of the nervous that is triggered when we feel a potential threat to an outside source(fight or flight). It does'n't alway have to be a threat in its negative connotation, but something as simple as a threat in the form of a challenge where you are uncertain of the outcome.
For example,an interview would be seen as one of these "threats", and the body will still respond to it as if it was a threat to life,jut to a lesser degree. So many of you are probably wondering what exactly the "butterfly" feeling is right? Well, the sympathetic nervous system causes many physical changes but the most important in this situation is the reaction it has in the gut. When presented in a situation of "threat", digestion shuts down and the veins that usually carry blood to the digestive system contract and the blood is rerouted away from the gut and up to muscles to prepare for the "fight or flight". Along with this, blood pressure raises, heart rate, and hormones such as Cortisol (stress hormone) and adrenaline which thus causes that fluttery butterfly feeling. Now that we know what "butterflies" actually are..next time you get them, pay attention to the situation you are in and this will all come into context.
PS...Butterflies feel more like crocadile claws to me LOL...just a comment...
<----- I think he got da "itis" ...
This is one of my favs..."itis"....CLASSIC. I knoe EVERYONE starts feeling a little lazy after eating a tasty meal, but what causes this?..yet again,I've got the answer for you. I always wondered why people get so dreary and narcoleptic right after eating and the explanation yet again has to do with our "inside pawts" hahaaa...So...When we eat a wholesome meal, much of the blood that is usually circulating evenly throughout our body is redirected to the digestive system so it has enough to process digestion, which thus makes us feel less energized. Another major factor is that the foods we eat contain sugars that, when consumed, inhibit the "stay awake" chemicals, which makes us feel very sleepy. See what food does to us...soooo good,yet soooo bad..is that a catch 22 im seeing?..hmmmm...
Cry Baby,Cry Baby..Wipe Those Sleepy Eyes....
This one stumped me for the longest...why the heck do we get sleepy after crying? I just remember as a kid crying and the next thing I knew "zzzZZZZZzzzzzzz"...but what causes this one? Well...It's pretty practical in this case..crying takes a lot of energy..with increased breathing rate from all the long winded wailing, energy is used in excessive amounts and the body sure needs a "breather" after that. As for the eyes, when you cry they blood vessels are dialated from all the strain and this is why they appear to red. The eyes often hurt after crying because the blood vessels are contricting back to normal and the eyes literally are tired, which also adds to the feeling of sleepiness. So now the next time you cry yourself to sleep, it's not because when your heart is broken that's what happens...it's because you used so much energy crying about his ass and you eyes are having a "wtf' reaction :)..hahaaa....
Hope you guys learned some things today,thanx for reading!
Tina B.